1.) I love Autumn! A whole lot of fantastic things happen in fall, plus it's just super pretty. I liked the coloring in this one.
2.) I WAS GIVEN BRAND NEW PRISMACOLOR FINELINERS!!! By Jim Middleton, my very cool animation teacher who has taught me more things than I could possibly type up here. I used them on both of today's comics, and they draw like a dream. So fantastic, I love them. You all should check out Jim's animation/drawings/interesting-facts-about-so-many-things blog, Animating Apothecary. Link here:
http://animatingapothecary.blogspot.com/ Too many neat things there like, currently, a celebration of the amazing Michigan animator Winsor McCay (creator of the
Little Nemo comics, Gerty the Dinosaur, and all sorts of illustrated and animated wonder).
3.) Those Zana sketches I put up the last post are already out-dated. I cleaned them up, figured out and added a functional harness for the the prosthetic, and am currently in the process of coloring.
4.) GETTING A COLD. That sucks D: