12 December 2011

Hark, a post!

In case you don't know what the Fierce Deity is:

Also, I drew a cool wild girl:


P.S.- Windy part 2 on Wednesday


07 December 2011

I'm tired...can you tell?

This one is a little off centered, but hey, most of them are.

School has me feeling rundown, but I'm going to get back into the swing of updates.


05 December 2011

03 December 2011

To tide you all over until Monday

Here are a few doodles I whipped up for a presentation about this blog from my animation class!

How does the idea happen?

 How are comics made?

I hate scanning and uploading!!!

Sorry I've been so crappy with uploading. The bf came home, I got lazy, the power was out for two days, and the whole time I was incredibly busy with school.

Speaking out which, back to animating.

Comics on Monday FOR REAL!


16 November 2011

What? You expected less Zelda? You're silly.

I didn't have the time to hand draw with pencils and such today.

2.) Y'all should know that by now.
3.) When I awake up tomorrow, it will be 2 days 'til Skyward Sword!
4.) YAY!

Now I'm off to go write my paper on Lolita and "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"!


OHHHH today was supposed to be a double comic day! Whoops. Nope lol.

14 November 2011


Monday is Monday. I'm tired, naptime.

Wednesday will be a double comic day.


09 November 2011

Tired. Technical difficulties are aggrivating.

There were going to be two, but apparently my computer decided to eat the other file.

Aggrivation. Off to study.

02 November 2011

Triple Update, hot dog!

2.) Never ever take 16 credit hours or more if you don't want to be constantly exhausted.
3.) Never ever take 16 credit hours or more and try to stay up with a comic blog three times a week if you don't want to be constantly overwhelmed.
4.) I've eaten too many KitKats, I think I might be dying.

I haven't colored anything by hand since the last pencil drawn comic, oi. It really kills my hands.

Who sucks at life? I sucks at life!


Later today. It's just past midnight. That's way too early.


25 October 2011

Only an hour late...and made on my new Intuos 4!


And also LOL! Used* in the last panel is supposed to be just* wtf hand-written typo??
So, my brand new Intuos 4 tablet came in today! And because I didn't have a comic up, I whipped this up real quickly. This won't be a constant thing; I love paper and pencil more. But, on those days where I can't put together a paper copy, I'm going to try to make one quickly on the tablet.

Btw: program used was Gimp! I love it. It's a lot easier for me to use than Photoshop, and it's free.

Don't except a comic on Friday; I'll be with the bf spending a delightful weekend together!


19 October 2011

Happy 50th Comic Day

Got this done early today! Mostly because I have a lot of homework and wanted it out of the way.

Today has been grey, duller, cold, rainy, and all over un-eventful.

Thank you to everyone who has been coming back every week and puts up with my sometimes laziness or being too busy to make a comic. Fifty down, I'm sure the next fifty will be easy.


17 October 2011

Mondays. Meh.

I just want to sleep. Instead I made a comic. YOU'RE WELCOME.

Nah, I needed to make one.

I was trying to take a nap at school, and some guy I had never met (or thought I hadn't) came up to me and asked me out on a date. I obviously said no. The whole having-a-boyfriend thing kind of prohibits that sort of thing, lol. I thought he'd leave & let me get back to my nap, but instead he sat down and started small talk. Awkward small talk.



10 October 2011

Viva la Fandom!

Today was crappy...until I started thinking of how cool Zelda is. Ahhhhhh, Zelda....



03 October 2011

After that impromptu week off...

1.) There was a little smudge of peanut butter under the first comic.
3.) Just took some NyQuil, I wonder if the Pink Floyd urge will return?

It was gonna be three comics, but y'all be lucky to get this out of me after the past week and today. I can now officially go to sleep.

After I tell Facebook the newest update is now here.


23 September 2011

Just a tad late in the day.

Yup, that's it.

NOTE TO GWYNN: I'll be putting up your lady soon, this week's been a mess.


21 September 2011

Some sketches again

No comic today, but enjoy some sketches made today in my darling little moleskine!


Just some studies of Zana & Kaelen back in the day/beginning of the story they're in.
I like the dress & the shapes associated with it, very smooth.

Anyways, sorry for no comic, but it's a busy night of homework, and I just don't have the time for that and sleep tonight. I'll make Friday a double update to make up for today!

And now if you will excuse me, I have to go power walk to pick up the ringing house phone.


19 September 2011

[insert title that makes sense]

It's very weird how that happens, but without fail, during any high or low pressure system I'm in annoying joint pain. I must be getting old.

I almost didn't make a comic today, but I just took an Alieve, picked up my pencil, and went for it anyways. By the time I'd started coloring the pain was gone.



16 September 2011

NEW FINELINERS + A double update

1.) I love Autumn! A whole lot of fantastic things happen in fall, plus it's just super pretty. I liked the coloring in this one.
2.) I WAS GIVEN BRAND NEW PRISMACOLOR FINELINERS!!! By Jim Middleton, my very cool animation teacher who has taught me more things than I could possibly type up here. I used them on both of today's comics, and they draw like a dream. So fantastic, I love them. You all should check out Jim's animation/drawings/interesting-facts-about-so-many-things blog, Animating Apothecary. Link here: http://animatingapothecary.blogspot.com/ Too many neat things there like, currently, a celebration of the amazing Michigan animator Winsor McCay (creator of the Little Nemo comics, Gerty the Dinosaur, and all sorts of illustrated and animated wonder).
3.) Those Zana sketches I put up the last post are already out-dated. I cleaned them up, figured out and added a functional harness for the the prosthetic, and am currently in the process of coloring.
4.) GETTING A COLD. That sucks D:


14 September 2011

Character Study: Zana's prosthetic leg


My original character Zana (and Kaelen in the 1st picture). I've been hashing out this idea since last night, and I think it's coming out great. I don't plan this happening until the end of her story (whenever or whatever that is, lol), but I do plan on having her live through it without getting some kind of infection & dying. I like her too much! :C

No comic today because I'm too swamped in homework. I've got just enough time to throw this up here before I need to get back to math. Le sigh. But here, for your enjoyment, are my own character notes to myself.

I like the outfits I make for her.


p.s.- Zana, Kaelen created soley from my own imagination, they be mine.

12 September 2011

Serious, check the link below.

The promised link to all things Nerdfighteria: http://www.youtube.com/user/vlogbrothers#p/u/0/FyQi79aYfxU

John & Hank Green describe it a lot better than I can, so why don't I just leave it to them? All I can say is that being introduced to the Nerdfighting community via the Vlogbrothers (John & Hank) has been one of the most inspiring and intellectually/hilariously stimulating experiences. I love watching their videos and all the interaction.


09 September 2011

I'm cool with that.

Money is nice, too, but I'm cool with my friends wanting to give me food or snacks in exchange for a drawing or two.

Whoa, I'm on a roll with updates!


07 September 2011

Just made it! Literally.

 Seriously, I am. It's a paper that's due tomorrow, and I'm one paragraph in. Le sigh.

I'm going to keep up with these updates. Bear with me the crappy short ones like this.


05 September 2011

Or not.

Class is back in session. Somehow I'll figure out how to get back into the swing of updating.

I'm going to be channeling Hermione this semester. Wish me luck!


P.S.- I GAVE UP ALGEBRA HOMEWORK TO DO THIS! What a way to start the semester, lol.

29 August 2011

The Beginning of Comic Spam Week

Oops, look like I forgot to color the suitcase. Oh well.
Being the Doctor's companion would be SO FUN. I'd have to be better at running, tho. They always have to run...

GIRL CRUSHIIIIIIING FFFFFFFFFFFFFF omg. Just go watch every River Song episode of Doctor Who and tell me you don't think she's all that and a bag of Timelords. As for Jo Calderone, I can't even justify it other than go Google search pictures of him. 'Nuff said, in my opinion.

Oh, don't mind how awfully I drew Jo. River turned out okay, but I butchered Jo. Oh well, c'est la vie.

P.S.- I'm going to be putting up more comics than usual this week to make up for last week. I was travelling ALL last week. I seriously visited 1/5 of the United States. I was busy and exhausted. So, this is make up time before school starts. (THURSDAY!!! Randomly...)

15 August 2011



The process for which these comics take is surprisingly quite awhile.

I WILL FOREVER LOOK WAY YOUNGER THAN I AM ;^; At least it will be in my favor when I'm 40?

JULIA IS TEH* BEST. I wish she wasn't so far away... ;^;

*"teh" spelt correctly incorrect.

10 August 2011

Two on Friday

I was going to make a comic in MS Paint; got about one panel in and said, "Screw it."

I'll put up two comics on Friday.


05 August 2011

Double Acorn all the way across the sky

Whoa that's a full acorn, all the way. Double acorn, omg, double acorn.

THAT'S WHAT I DID for the last 2 days.

Along with it being Halloween at Michael's crafts stores, it's also Christmas and Thanksgiving. Christmas first. That stuff was in front of the Thanksgiving wares.


03 August 2011



TOO EXCITED OMG YUSSSSSSSSS! This has been a great year for all of my fandoms. I don't even know what to do except be super happy about it!! Come mid-2012 all the Avatards get a new series, aaaaaaaawwwww yeah!!

Other than that, I finished The Subtle Knife last night and have gotten about 70 pages into The Amber Spyglass today. Have I mentioned how in love I am with His Dark Materials? Because I totally am. Will & Lyra are the best characters EVER.

Off to read happily~!


01 August 2011

Return of the Comics!

Gotta experiment with lighting with my coloring.

Just finished The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman! Started the sequel, The Subtle Knife, already today.


29 July 2011

This is what I did today.

And this isn't even done! I've got about 3 more pages of storyboarding to do... (with 12 frames per page)

It's my big project for my portfolio for art college. I'm hoping to get the storyboards finished by Tuesday so I can go into the lab and start working!