12 December 2011

Hark, a post!

In case you don't know what the Fierce Deity is:

Also, I drew a cool wild girl:


P.S.- Windy part 2 on Wednesday


07 December 2011

I'm tired...can you tell?

This one is a little off centered, but hey, most of them are.

School has me feeling rundown, but I'm going to get back into the swing of updates.


05 December 2011

03 December 2011

To tide you all over until Monday

Here are a few doodles I whipped up for a presentation about this blog from my animation class!

How does the idea happen?

 How are comics made?

I hate scanning and uploading!!!

Sorry I've been so crappy with uploading. The bf came home, I got lazy, the power was out for two days, and the whole time I was incredibly busy with school.

Speaking out which, back to animating.

Comics on Monday FOR REAL!
